
The Ugly

Share your ugly DDES stories here.


Anonymous said...

I got a scary letter from the code officer, saying that I had 2 RV's parked in my yard.The one is brand new, awaiting a cross country trip and the other is waiting to be sold. Nobody lives in either.So what kind of bullshit is that. I've tried to contact the code enforcement officer, but he won't return phone calls.Since when can't people have an RV on their property? It's getting bad over here with the county looking up your shorts every chance they get

Anonymous said...

I live in a "non-conforming structure" on the beach on Outer Quartermaster. In 1999, applied for a building permit to raise the esisting roof over the attic. The permit was granted and I proceeded with the work, calling in the inspector for framing inspection. There were a few minor issues. A few days later a Red Tag stop work order was posted. I called DDES and was told that the Shoreline approval of my permit should never have been granted. I was ordered to tear down the structure at my own expense, even Shoreline said it was their mistake. I finished the work, as that is our bedroom, and now 9 years later it is still unresolved. DDES sent a letter to my bank, clouding the title.

Jacksranch said...


Anyone having property rights issues with any level of government in the state of Washington needs to join the property rights movement through the Citizen Alliance for Property Rights(CAPR) www.proprights.org. This is the only way to fight these takings, i.e. we must organize, organize, organize.

I am a rural property owner north of Enumclaw, WA and have networked with my fellow property owners for near 7 years and documented these takings and the history of how this unbelievable larceny and gaming of a free republic has come to be.

Check out my web site www.freedomforallseasons.org and come up to speed so you can become a soldier of freedom not a victum to government tyranny.

These illegitimate takings of private and public property are well into the advanced stage. We must wake up now or we will all be locked up more than we already are with these legal fiction municipal codes.